
Advanced Master® "Defense and Security in Space"

This Advanced Master® is offered in partnership with the Space Command, CNES (the National Space Study Center) and ONERA (the French Space Lab).

For several years, space has undergone a particularly significant development, whether in the context of everyday applications (telecommunications, navigation & positioning, banking transfers, Earth observation, ...) or in military operations. This strong growth does not come without questions related to security.

The French Air and Space Force Academy in partnership with the Space Command (CDE), the Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES), the National Space Study Center, and the National Research Office offers an Advanced Master ® in Defense and Security in Space (AM® DefSiS). This high-level dual civilian and military program will enable graduates to demonstrate their expertise in the field of space and security.

Open to students or professionals with an MBA degree in engineering, science, management, law, international relations, security studies or political science, this training program, in English, represents a total volume of 450 hours divided into seven modules covering a wide range of subjects (space mechanics, civil and military applications, geopolitics, law, crisis management, etc.). The training ends with a 4-to-6-month internship in a company.

Backed by renowned organizations, industries, and start-ups, it relies on the expertise of many professionals and on a dynamic program combining theoretical contributions, active pedagogy, serious gaming, simulation, projects, and visits.

Join this unique defense and security in space program in Europe within the prestigious French Air and Space Force Academy.

Application file 2025-2026 to be submitted before April 14th 2025 for the April admission session, May 12th for the May admission session, June 16th for the June admission session.


Advanced Master® "Defense and Security in Space" - Interview