
Erasmus + is the European Union program for education, youth training and sport. The Air and Space Force Academy has held the Erasmus + Charter since 2014.


As part of its presidency of the European Union in 2008, France proposed an initiative to promote cadet exchanges within the European Security and Defense College (CESD). Inspired by the European Commission’s civilian ERASMUS program, it is called EMILYO (European Military Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers), commonly known as “military ERASMUS”.

The objectives of this network are to enhance mutual understanding and improve interoperability among European armed forces, by promoting the emergence of a common training curriculum for young officer cadets and by facilitating exchanges between European officer training academies.

The European Air Force Academies (EUAFA) Commandants’ Conference is established as a forum in order to exchange information, co-operate and identify areas of common interest to carry out activities with the largest possible participation of all the member nations, in the field of officer education and training.

PEGASUS is the partnership of the best European aerospace universities and currently has 30 members in 12 different European countries. Today more than 3000 aerospace engineers graduate at Master level from the member institutions of PEGASUS each year.

The objective of PEGASUS is to offer highly relevant educational and research programmes and thereby attracting the best students and scientists. Co-ordinated change, exchange of staff and students and innovation will be required to achieve these objectives.