Commander of Air Force Base 701 and Director General of the French Air and Space Force Academy

Welcome to the French Air and Space Force Academy website.
The officers, airmen and airwomen who will serve in our armed forces tomorrow will have to fight in an increasingly harsh and complex environment. As leaders of men and women, they will have to command and decide in progressively uncertain situations. Experts in aeronautics and space, they will have to "face up" to a context of multi-faceted conflicts, in cyber and information spaces. As citizens of a rapidly changing world, they will have to understand the consequences of environmental issues.
For the success of our military operations and our security, we owe our cadets the highest level of military, academic and ethical training : this is the main mission of the French Air and Space Force Academy.
On our website you will find all the information you need about our academy, which is located on the Air Force Base 701 "General Pineau" in Salon de Provence. Within a powerful and bold air and space force, it is constantly developing, in conjunction with the armed forces, the actors of the Ministry of Defense, education, research and industry, solid expertise in key technological fields and has a particularly robust and efficient teaching and research system.
Becoming a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment of the "grand établissement" type (EPSCP-GE) on January 1, 2019, the French Air and Space Force Academy trains nearly 700 students a year.
Our new status allows us to :
- Control and diversify the training offer for the benefit of officer cadets, in the very first circle of higher education ;
- Open new partnership perspectives with the university, scientific and military worlds at the regional, national, and international levels ;
- Develop the research and innovation dimension, by continuing the activities initiated by the research center of the French Air and Space Force Academy and thus to animate by its expertise the operational fields of which the UAVs, the cyber and space are naturally part.
Enjoy discovering our activities !