
In their final year of training all cadet officers must complete an end-of-studies internship to obtain their diploma (Bachelor’s degree, graduate engineering degree or Master's of Political Science). This internship, lasting from 10 weeks (Bachelor) to 20 weeks (engineers), should allow students to make use of all their knowledge and know-how, and represents the real conclusion of their training. Immersed in a host organization (company, design office, research center, etc.) in France or abroad, students familiarize themselves with the environment and methods of scientific research applied to industry. This practicum encourages students to demonstrate initiative and personal responsibility.

The objectives of the project are:

  • to carry out a scientific study: the project can be theoretical or experimental in nature, and not necessarily directly linked to aeronautics or defense;
  • to produce work requiring analysis and synthesis;
  • to prepare, present and defend the solutions chosen in writing and orally.

Each year, around half of each outgoing class carries out this internship abroad. Students can take advantage of the Air and Space Force Academy's network of partnerships to find an internship, but cadets can also prospect on their own, in the country and organization of their choice. Nevertheless, these proposals must coincide with their academic training as well as their status as military personnel.