

(4 to 11 months)

Through bilateral conventions, the Air and Space Force Academy welcomes foreign cadets for an exchange which is reciprocated. The foreign cadets chose an academic program at the academy which is best adapted to their needs (subjects, level..)  and they are integrated into the second-year entry for daily life, military and sport activities as well as leadership training. The courses attended in Salon and the passing of exams enables cadets to obtain credits that are recognized by their own academy on the principle based on the European transfer and accumulation of credits (ECTS) implemented by the Bologna process.

Each year, approximately fifteen cadets (American, Canadian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Moroccan) benefit from this four-month immersive experience.

German cadets who have finished their military training at the Germany Officer School (OSLw) can benefit from a transition year (before pursuing their training at the Bundeswehr University (UNIBw) for their academic training) to carry out an immersive exchange at the Air and Space Force Academy for an entire academic year.

Every year, two or three French-speaking German cadets are welcomed by the French first-year cadets for this type of exchange.