Advanced Master® "Aviation safety and aircraft airworthiness"
The “Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace” (ISAE-SUPAERO) Superior Institute of Aeronautics and Space English, École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) National School of Civil Aviation English and French Air and Space Force Academy have signed a tripartite agreement to offer the Advanceded Master®’s Degree in Aviation Safety and Aircraft Airworthiness (AM® - ASAA).
This master's degree is open to young students with 5 years of higher education, in exchange for a financial contribution. In total, it lasts560 hours, and is divided into 17 modules, each dealing with a specific aspect of aircraft airworthiness and taking place successively on the site of each school.
Eight are provided by “ISAE-Supaéro“ (mainly focused on design), eight by ENAC (focused on certification concepts), while the French Air and Space Force Academy oversees the last module entitled : "airworthiness of state aircraft".
It takes place over two weeks, generally at the beginning of March, and represents a volume of about thirty hours. The aim is to highlight the specificities of the airworthiness of aircraft used by the state, namely, how to maintain a controlled environment in the context of military employment.